Blog post: "The state of static site testing"
Currently there is no ( or are very few ) blog posts that discuss testing static sites. Most posts focus on testing web apps. I've already done the bulk of the research and write up in Research static site testing for the project.
Developers would like to read an article that explains how to test static sites.
- Web developers everywhere
- Individuals interested in TDD / BDD
- Individuals interested in ustwo’s tech blog
- Increased ustwo’s presence and visibility within the tech community
- Share knowledge with developers in other studios and beyond
- Give back to the open source community
Objectives to reach value
- Finish research into static site testing
- Write a simple and effective “How to”.
- Create open source examples to support the article.
- Integrate Disqus to communicate with the community.
Validation Plan
- Track page hits via Google Analytics
- Gauge the communities reaction via posted comments
What does MVP look like?
A simple blog post on ustwo New York’s tech blog.
Casting / Human Resource needs
- ( 1 ) Developer
- ( 1 ) Visual Designer to style site and post
Timeline estimation to MVP
2 week to get to MVP.
Accountability / Stakeholders
- ustwo Tech Team
- Marketing Department
- Tech Director