App Metics Page
A dashboard for measuring an an app’s performance compared to its success criteria
It’s important for projects to have measurable success criteria. Otherwise we would never really know if we’re doing a good job. While we take great care to create meaningful and measurable success metrics, its easy to loose sight of how the current iteration of the project is meeting or missing them. If we had better visibility into our app's performance compared to our success criteria, we’d be able to make better informed decisions about the quality of the implementation or the choice of features.
Creating a dashboard for each project that shows how an app is performing with respect its success criteria will allow teams to derive valuable insights about how the app is working. We’ll be able to collect the data we need by using Google Analytics.
- Product Owners
- Product Teams
- UX Designers
- ustowbies
- Encourage decisions to be based on data
- Encourage data centered thinking
- Increase team visibility, understanding, and focus on success criteria
Objectives to reach value
- Build and release a metrics page for a project that has defined measurable success criteria
- White label the project so it can be easily used on other projects
Validation Plan
- Evaluate whether the app metrics page allows the team to derive valuable insights about how the app is working
What does MVP look like?
- Static page
- Visualization of metics
- Paragraph about the metrics, why they were chosen, and what they mean
Casting / Human Resource needs
- ( 1 ) Visual Designer
- ( 1 ) Developer
Timeline estimation to MVP
2 weeks to get to MVP.
Accountability / Stakeholders
- Project Teams
- Product Owners
- UX Designers
New skills utilized:
- Static sites
- D3.js
- Google Analtics API
- ES6 & ES7 specifications
- Polished CTAs animations, easing, timings